Thursday, May 16, 2013

Raising Stroke Awareness for the Month of May

Help Raise Stroke Awareness

Many people are familiar with what it means to have a stroke – it is the fourth leading cause of death in America, and so has impacted the loved ones of many.  When a blood clot breaks free and blocks an artery, or a blood vessel breaks, stopping blood flow to an area of the brain, brain cells in the affected area die.  This results in damage to the brain, and is called a stroke, brain attack, cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or ischemic stroke.  Sometimes a person will suffer something called a transient ischemic attack (TIA), which is a “mini-stroke” that cuts off the supply of blood to the brain but does not cause lasting brain damage; although there is not permanent damage, there is a high risk of suffering a repeat TIA or a full stroke if not properly treated.  Signs that a stroke is happening or has just occurred include sudden weakness or numbness of an arm, leg, or face – commonly just one side, sudden difficulty speaking, sudden difficulty walking or loss of balance, trouble seeing through one or both eyes, or sudden onset severe headache.
In support of Stroke Awareness Month, we invite you to learn more about stroke: how to minimize the risk of one occurring, and how to recognize one happening so that medical help can be called for as soon as possible.  Check in to our blog or facebook throughout the month of May for more information on stroke and how to participate in awareness campaigns in your area.

This mobility update has been brought to you by Automotive Innovations and VMi New England – Need some information on how to make your vehicle wheelchair accessible or upgraded with the latest and most convenient features? Feel free to give us a call.

Our goal for the past 25+ years here at VMi New England and Automotive Innovations Bridgewater, MA, Massachusetts, is to provide our customers with access to the best sales, service and repair for all the leading wheelchair accessible mobility vehicles, hand controls and devices that can offer you greater freedom and independence. We offer a full line of adaptive mobility equipment and  VMI wheelchair accessible vans, and have a team of Certified Mobility Consultants who are always ready to help you learn about the benefits and features of full sized handicap vans, new and used wheelchair vehicles, Ricon lifts, adaptive mobility equipment, and more.

VMi New England and Automotive Innovations1000 Main St  Bridgewater, MA 508-697-6006

Jim Sanders is one of of the most experienced people in the country at building High-Tech driving equipment and vans for passengers and individuals who drive from a wheelchair. He offers a unmatched practical and theoretical foundation in the application of vehicle modifications for individuals with disabilities. With over 25 years experience, he continues to spearhead new and exciting technological advancements in this growing and emerging market.

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